Hawke's Bay Property Investors' Association

027 777 0178


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Courage and self responsibility

Join us on the 16th of November at the Taradale Town Hall at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start.  The speaker is David Todd on Courage and Self Responsibility.  David is a Trainer, Professional MC, Facilitator, International Keynote Speaker.

 David prides himself on helping people to take action to achieve their stated priorities in life via Simplicity, Authenticity and Relevance. David has been a professional speaker since 1991 and full time self employed since leaving an extensive rural banking career in 2011. His style is both though provoking and entertaining. His on going involvement with self development programmes dating back to 1987 provides him with a wide range of anecdotes to draw on that helps his audience act on what they experience.

Join us after the meeting for Networking and supper

Admission free to members and guests for one visit only.

 For any enquiries, please email: hawkesbay@nzpif.org.nz or phone 027 777 0178

(Don’t forget coffee on the first Saturday of the month at No 5 Café and Larder. 10am – 11am).
