Hawke's Bay Property Investors' Association

027 777 0178


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FIRST MEMBERS MEETING OF 2017 - bus tour of investment properties.

In 2017 we are arranging a tour of members investment properties, so lock in the date and details will be loaded as they are finalized.

Our plans at this point include touring several homes in Flaxmere / Hastings, Tamatea / Greenmeadows and Napier.

These members whose homes we drive to view will share the information on each of their properties.

This will include the investment planning, their strategies, and the yields gained.


After a fun afternoon of touring and sharing stories, we will finish at The Duke in Taradale.

For those who wish to stay on, The Duke have wonderful refreshments and reasonably priced meals.


There will be a charge for the bus.

This will be sent to members with details on payment and booking your seat, through the usual channels.

For now you should mark your calendars the first event of 2017 so you don’t miss the date,  and we look forward to seeing you there.