Responding to the Government's energy efficient plans announced yesterday, the NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) President Martin Evans said the Federation was opposed to any measures to make its members compulsorily insulate their homes. 10-12-2007 more >>
Those who believe that the NZ economy is destined to follow North American trends have plenty of cause for concern in the latest housing data out of the US today. 28-11-2007 more >>
In the “unbelievable” file, a Christchurch Housing NZ tenant expects a bigger house because her two sons will stay with her for one night every two weeks. “I don't ask for much, but I feel the kids need more space -- it's not good for them.” 28-11-2007 more >>
German police have arrested a 60-year-old landlord after discovering he used cameras and microphones to spy on his tenants for a decade while they bathed and slept. 28-11-2007 more >>
Thousands of state house tenants could be eligible for cheaper rents thanks to the dogged determination of a pensioner and a community law office. 25-11-2007 more >>
The news for homeowners only seems to get gloomier at the moment. Right now mortgage rates are high across the whole market and they don't look like getting cheaper for anytime soon. 22-11-2007 more >>
The feature article in the November ANZ Property Focus says that the devil is in the detail. Looking at the composition behind the real estate data suggests that the market is very dichotomised and house prices are falling. 20-11-2007 more >>
Pet owners struggling to find animal-friendly homes in a tight rental market are using novel techniques to impress potential landlords. 18-11-2007 more >>
All the major lenders have now put their floating rate loans up to 10.05% following the latest increase in the official cash rate (OCR) to 7.75%. 05-11-2007 more >>
At the Property Investors Federation's annual conference, held earlier this month, the Minister of Building Issues, Clayton Cosgrove outlined some key reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act. 31-10-2007 more >>
Investors in hard-sell property investment company Blue Chip Financial Solutions Ltd may be wondering if they made the right investment decision. 27-10-2007 more >>
Nobody could fail to notice the underlying threat to Treasury which was inherent in Alan Bollard's Official Cash Rate (OCR) announcement today 25-10-2007 more >>
Property develper Olly Newland, who gained and lost a fortune at the time of the 1987 sharemarket bubble and bust, believes New Zealand is about to repeat the experience. 23-10-2007 more >>
The NZPIF responds to the announcements made by the Minister of Building and Construction at the annual NZPIF Conference on 21 October. 21-10-2007 more >>
The NZ Property Investors' Federation (NZPIF) welcomes the announcement today by Courts Minister Rick Barker, that Tenancy Tribunal orders are now available online. 17-10-2007 more >>
Investor confidence slipped from record highs amid financial turmoil but has started to recover, according to a quarterly ASB survey 16-10-2007 more >>