The average median rent for a two-bedroom property in Devonport rose 26% in the year to June, while the same size property in Takapuna/Milford saw an 18% fall, according to the latest Crockers Auckland rental price table. 01-08-2011 more >>
The residential housing market has started a cyclical recovery, with rising turnover and prices, decreasing days to sell, a spike in listings shortages and the entry of first home buyers into the market, according to BNZ. 29-07-2011 more >>
From today the owners of leaky homes will be able to seek repair funding from the Government's leaky homes Financial Assistance Package. 29-07-2011 more >>
Reserve Bank governor Alan Bollard took a bob-each-way approach to reviewing interest rates which has left economists and financial markets scratching their heads. 28-07-2011 more >>
Just over a month after the sudden closure of Jericho Property Management another property management firm, Trump Assets Management, has closed its doors. 28-07-2011 more >>
BNZ economist Tony Alexander has rejected the argument that a capital gains tax would result in additional money being invested in productive assets. 18-07-2011 more >>
The supply of rental housing grew only half as much as demand nationwide in the June quarter with the Auckland market showing a severe shortage of rentals, according to figures from the TradeMe. 14-07-2011 more >>
Property investors have been warned to be wary of inflated property valuations when considering whether to invest in either properties or companies which had significant property development portfolios. 08-07-2011 more >>
Labour proposals for a capital gains tax on investment property have been criticised as unfair on both investors and tenants, "who are going to end up paying for this." 06-07-2011 more >>
June saw the number of properties on the Auckland market slip to their lowest level in nearly four years, according to Barfoot & Thompson. 05-07-2011 more >>
Property investors are back in the market and doing battle with first home buyers for properties at the lower end of the market, according to First National general manager John Stewart. 05-07-2011 more >>
Last month the NZPIF held a communication meeting in Wellington for all affiliated Property Investor Associations around the country. This is an annual event and a marvellous opportunity the us to tell the PIA’s what we are doing, hear what they would like us to do and also share information among themselves on how to make their associations better for their members. 01-07-2011 more >>
Government plans to move more people out of state housing could prove to be a double-edged sword for private landlords, according to Property Investors Federation president Andrew King. 30-06-2011 more >>
The Centre for Housing Research Aotearoa New Zealand (CHRANZ) has announced its closure today after failing to secure ongoing cornerstone funding. 30-06-2011 more >>
Canterbury Property Investors Association president Kim Willems has given a cautious welcome to Government plans to buy 5,100 Christchurch homes, though she questioned the 2007 valuation the Government has adopted. 28-06-2011 more >>
MetService Weather Ambassador Bob McDavitt is among the Wellington landlords left in the cold – and out of pocket - by the unexpected closure of Jericho Residential Property Management. 25-06-2011 more >>
Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee has announced the Government will offer to buy 5,100 Christchurch homes at 2007 rateable values. 23-06-2011 more >>
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee says the Government will give an initial update on the state of land in greater Christchurch tomorrow at 1:30pm. 22-06-2011 more >>