?> HBPIA AGM followed by Speaker: Tony Alexander Topic: What the future holds. :: Hawke's Bay Property Investors' Association

Hawke's Bay Property Investors' Association

027 777 0178


Up coming Events

Keeping you updated with up and coming events

HBPIA AGM followed by Speaker: Tony Alexander Topic: What the future holds.

Apr 19, 2021 - 6.30 for 7.00pm

  Taradale Town Hall, Taradale

Tony is an independent economist who has previously worked as the Chief Economist for BNZ for 26 years. Tony will deliver a lighthearted view of the economy and what this holds in store for property investors. Tony’s ultimate goal is “To help Kiwis make better decisions for their businesses, investments, home purchases, and people by writing about the economy in an easy to understand manner.”

Join us after the meeting for networking and supper

Admission free to members. Guests $50 per head (must be accompanied by a member).

All attending must register through Event Brite.
